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QLD's Fairholme College showed the limitless potential of girls at the H2GP Pro Finals!
Fairholme College have qualified for the H2GP 2024 finals in California!
From craters to reservoirs, how mine sites are repurposed for hydropower.
Learn how we can combat industrial waste and foster sustainability through a circular economy.
Learn more about the current and future state of Australia's green hydrogen production.
Learn about the responsibilities of a wind turbine technician, and the path to becoming one.
Learn how vanadium batteries will transform Australia's energy.
Energy is everything - it powers our daily lives. Take a look how energy is evolving to shape our future needs.
Find out how you can work in a lucrative industry with abundant opportunities in Australia
What do banana peels, sewerage and algae have in common? Bioenergy
What are hydrogen-powered vehicles (also known as fuel cell vehicles) and how do they work?
How trees, soil and oceans play an essential role in restoring balance of carbon emissions on our planet.
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