Food is one of the most important and abundant resources in the world, and one of the most resource- and energy-intensive. Faced with the challenges of population growth, excessive wastage, and a conventionally high-emissions supply chain, how can we change our processes and preferences to help achieve a food industry that is both fairer and greener? 


The world produces approximately four billion tonnes of food each year. Even though this amount should be more than enough, business and technology inefficiencies in the production, storage, and distribution of food mean that signficant wastage persists in various forms.


Against this backdrop, and combined with our growing population, the Food & Agriculture Organisation (FAO) reported in 2012 that food production still needs to increase by 60% by 2050 to feed everyone. But when we consider that food production in all its forms accounts for over a quarter (26%) of global greenhouse gas emissions, much of it from meat and dairy, it’s clear that a straightforward increase is not the answer — and that we need alternatives.


These are big themes that deal with the culture of agriculture itself. It could be slow to change on its own, limited by the habits of consumers and industry worldwide. So, what can business leaders, scientists, NGOs, and governments actually do to spark positive change today?


The world needs to find and action immediate changes to the efficency of the processes we currently rely on, while working to enhance the viability and affordability of new technological and nutritional options. And for that, there needs to be ambition. 

Tackling waste

Food waste

Despite the global agricultural sector's capacity to produce en masse, substantial quantities of food are wasted or lost across different stages of the food supply chain. 1.3 billion tonnes, or around a third of all food produced globally, is thrown away per year.


Worldwide, 75% of this waste, or around 850 million tons, is due to two stages of the manufacturing process:

  • In fields, due to pests, diseases, and inefficient harvesting methods (500 million tons)
  • During postharvest handling, storage, processing, and distribution (350 million tons)

Developing countries are often where food loss happens closer to the farm. For example, the lack of an established “cold chain” in some regions of India, which encompasses all of the refrigeration needed at various stages of the harvesting process to keep food fresh, contributes significantly to wastage in the country. Meanwhile, increasing temperatures are affecting plants’ ability to cope with disease, and this may particularly affect developing nations with hot climates.


The UN Environment Programme reports that developing countries could save 144 million tonnes of food annually if they reached the same level of food cold chain infrastructure as developed countries. At the same time,  breakthroughs in genetically modified plants can combat some of the waste caused by disease. But both will need targeted investment from governments, especially where less wealthy and rural businesses are unable to implement them.


In developed countries, much of the food waste occurs in the distribution stage, when perfectly edible food is discarded due to aesthetic imperfections. 40% of vegetable and fruit waste in the UK has been linked to retailers’ standards, meaning that “ugliness” is selected against by manufacturers, and ultimately by consumers — but a growing number of odd food marketplaces shows that there is a willingness to capitalise on this surplus. Manufacturers should seek out and collaborate with these businesses alongside their larger retail customers to enhance the circularity of their output.


Water waste

The global agricultural industry consumes 2 quadrillion gallons, or around 7.5 quadrillion litres, of water per year. This accounts for approximately 70% of the world’s water usage, yet a staggering 40% of that amount is lost to poor water management and inefficient irrigation systems.


Solving this problem involves fostering innovative water management practices, particularly hydroponic farming. In essence, hydroponic farming substitutes soil with a water-based substrate using six main systems. This approach significantly decreases water usage to a fraction of what's required for traditional farming.


In food factories, water is commonly used in cooling systems to preserve the quality of the product, and deal with the fluctuations in temperature. Given the substantial volumes of water involved, modern cooling systems can be deployed, such as closed-circuit cooling systems. These systems maintain water entirely enclosed within pipes, eliminating the need for a continuously refreshed water supply while sidestepping the higher maintenance costs associated with open circuit systems. 


vertical farming

Hydroponics is an environmentally friendly and profitable technology, particularly in developed regions like North America. It efficiently uses space and can be applied even by landless urban and rural populations.


Energy waste

According to the FAO, the food industry consumes around 30% of the world’s available energy. All food waste equates to energy waste. Any human or mechanical effort invested in producing food that ultimately goes uneaten is, by definition, wasted.  


Business automation is an excellent way to avoid this waste. It gives manufacturers precise data on inventory, and is able to forecast their rate of production. This enables adjustments to their operations, tweaking supply to reduce the energy burden of overproduction and align with demand. Automation also increases responsiveness to market fluctuations, enhancing supply chain flexibility.


But food manufacturers can also use automation to boost the physical energy efficiency of their infrastructure. Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices offer continuous process monitoring and adjustments to physical machinery, and variable speed drives (VSDs) constantly stabilise fluctuations in power quality to keep rotating equipment running smoothly and at peak efficiency, minimising energy loss. 

Cutting emissions

Biogas production

Biogas production takes the emissions produced by organic by-products in food waste and transforms them into energy. Food processors can utilise anaerobic digestion facilities to break down peels, offcuts, and expired goods and produce combustible biomethane, which is widely considered a carbon-neutral energy source.


Biomethane can be sold directly for use as fuel, or it can be used by farms to power their own operations sustainably and at a lower cost. Additionally, the biomass left over can be used as fertiliser, potentially creating a circular supply of nutrient-rich soil for both sale and internal re-use.


Biogas is just one of many clean energy solutions manufacturers are able to connect to their operations. For example, solar panels, wind turbines, co-location with energy storage, and ambient air heat pumps, the latter of which can be 8 times as efficient as electric boilers and integrate seamlessly into existing infrastructure.


Carbon removal

Biogas production, while only accelerating the natural processes that would have otherwise occurred, still causes the release of significant amounts of carbon dioxide. But this presents an opportunity. Captured CO2 is especially valuable for the food manufacturing industry to carbonate drinks, with carbon dioxide arising from alcoholic fermentation fetching a premium due to its high purity and compatible aroma.


While this provides a new revenue stream, it also ignores the fact that the gas used will return to the atmosphere at some point along the chain. In order to cut the overall emissions of the food industry, carbon capture and utilisation (CCU) may not be enough. CCU refers to the sequestering of carbon emissions and its utilisation in product applications like food, beverages, and materials, and is not considered carbon “removal” as it is not permanent.  


Carbon dioxide removal (CDR) via advanced technologies such as nature-based carbon sinks, Direct Air Capture (DAC), and concrete mineralisation, all present methods of sealing away carbon much more permanently. Some companies are also combining the carbon neutrality of food-based biogas plants with permanent carbon removals, to create “negative emissions”. Active engagement in carbon removal can itself create revenue for businesses via CDR credits

Future nutrition

Cultivated meat

Whether we consider taste, protein content, or tradition, the world’s heavy preference for meat will be hard to sway — and alternative foods must make a firm case. But one of the most fitting replacements for such a meat-driven world could be… meat.


Cultivated meat, also known as lab-grown or cultured meat, involves growing meat from animal cells in a controlled environment, eliminating the need for livestock farming. This method significantly reduces land use, water consumption, and greenhouse gas emissions associated with traditional meat production.


While still at a nascent stage, advancements in biotechnology and scaling production could make cultivated meat a common feature in the diets of the future, offering a cruelty-free, sustainable alternative to  

conventional meat.


cultivated meat

Cultivated meat is a groundbreaking innovation in food production. Since 2013, the industry has expanded to include over 150 companies across six continents, supported by $2.6 billion in investments.


Algae farming

Algae farming is another sustainable option for future nutrition, producing high yields of biomass that can be used for food, animal feed, and the aforementioned biogas production. Rich in proteins, omega-3 fatty acids, and essential minerals, algae like spirulina and chlorella are being considered superfoods.  


Cultivated in aquatic environments, algae do not require arable land, significantly reducing environmental strain. Moreover, algae cultivation can absorb carbon dioxide, contributing positively to carbon mitigation efforts.


Edible insects

Despite the initial disgust felt by many — especially in the West — about 2 billion people in 113 countries regularly eat insects. There are good reasons for this, other than their adaptability as an ingredient and surprisingly complex flavour profile.


Edible insects are rich in proteins, vitamins, and minerals, and studies show that they contain, on average, median values of between 9.96 g and 35.2 g of protein per 100 g, compared with 16.8–20.6 g for meat. Farming crickets, mealworms, and locusts also requires minimal land, water, and feed compared to traditional livestock. This is especially important where countries are overpopulated or suffer water scarcity.


Moreover, insects can be cultivated on locally sourced food waste, enhancing their sustainability quotient. As global acceptance grows, edible insects could significantly impact food security, offering a resource-efficient alternative to meet the protein demand of a growing world population. 

Feeding the future requires finding the right talent

Across the world, the variety of technologies, methodologies, and traditions we rely on to produce our food is as varied as the types of food we eat. Accompanying these differences are, unfortunately, disparities in the equality and sustainability of the global supply chain. As the global population grows, so too will the food industry and the challenges it faces.


Michela Van der Heijden, global driver for Life Sciences at Brunel, emphasises, "The need for continuous food availability and convenience necessitates faster, more efficient, and sustainable processes, with minimal waste. Achieving this demands innovative, smarter machinery and devices, coupled with stringent quality assurance, food safety, hygiene, and process optimisation. Key drivers encompass sustainability—efficient resource utilisation to reduce waste; technology—facilitating automation, precision, and data-driven decision-making through tools like IoT, AI, and blockchain; and efficiency-enhancing output while minimising inputs. Critically, this requires the attraction of innovative talent and the nurturing of a dedicated workforce to propel and sustain these advancements."


Thus, skilled professionals are essential as they will be responsible for addressing these challenges, fostering technological innovation, streamlining supply chains, and adapting to changing consumer preferences for healthier and more sustainable food options.


Do you struggle with finding the right talent? With over 10 years of experience in the food industry and a broad global network of specialists, we help our clients stand out as industry leaders across the entire food production life cycle.

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