
OffshoreWind4Kids is a non-profit organisation that focuses on building offshore wind turbines to help kids learn more about engineering, technology and renewable energy. Together with a variety of partners in the industry, it organises demo days around the world where children get to install their first offshore wind turbine.


Brunel Foundation and Taylor Hopkinson | Powered by Brunel are partnering with OffshoreWind4Kids to organise demo days in different regions all around the globe. Involving kids in fun activities related to offshore wind at an early age is a great way to influence the potential career choices of these future professionals, inspire them to join the industry and raise awareness of the environment in general.


William Beuckelaers launched OffshoreWind4Kids in April 2021. He uses a hands-on approach where children can play with small-scale offshore wind turbines, familiarising themselves with various aspects of offshore wind energy. Beuckelaers motivation is simple: “If they experience the same joy as I do, perhaps they will be inspired to consider a future career in engineering?”


Kids holding a miniature wind turbine

OffshoreWind4kids started with outdoor events on the beach. In 2023 they also introduced an indoor program, Wind4Kids. Designed for use in schools, this global educational program uses an assortment of experiments to teach kids about the fundamentals of wind energy. It includes school workshops, teacher training sessions and the necessary gear.

I really liked the wind turbine workshop at my school. I learned how to calculate the energy output of the wind. And the fact that we could also go outside with the turbines to do experiments was even more fun!

Girl with miniature wind turbine


9 years

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More and more young people are showing a growing interest in climate challenges and want to learn more about how they can help to shape a sustainable future. We believe that a longer-term solution needs to start with education, in which OffshoreWind4Kids fits perfectly.


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