
Did you know that 63% of workers laid off or made redundant this year received zero support or resources to help them find a new role?

Candidates on the move

It’s no secret that the Energy Industry is changing. As the world strives towards more sustainable energy endeavors, workers in the industry are also seeking sustainability — changing their career goals and seeking more long-term stability from their employers. 

The year 2020 saw a jump in the number of employees looking to move jobs, both within their current sector and more broadly across the Energy industry, going from slightly more than half (56%) in 2019 to nearly three-quarters in 2020 (73%).

What factors are encouraging candidates to take the jump? Here, we take a look at insights from our 2021 Energy Outlook Report to break down the top three. For more insights into the latest trends transforming the Energy industry in 2021, download our 2021 Energy Outlook Report for free. 

The top three factors encouraging candidates to move to new roles 

1. The shift to green energy

One of the biggest factors for workers seeking new roles is a desire to move towards Green Energy, driven either by aspirations to contribute to a healthier planet or due to fears that conventional Energy roles will become redundant as we move to a lower carbon world. This desire was highlighted by more than a third of jobseekers (37%) identifying Renewables as an area they would consider, including 45% of those working in Mining, a substantial increase on the next highest figure (Construction at 30%).

This urge to explore other sectors has been underpinned by the fact that a majority (53%) of employees say they feel ‘very confident’ or ‘extremely confident’ about finding a new role, despite the impact of the pandemic on the economy, highlighting the good health of the Energy industry as a whole.

The appeal of working in greener sectors is already significant and could continue to grow. In particular, younger workers are attracted by the longer-term, more stable employment options on offer with renewable companies. Sectors like Solar power and Offshore Wind, which are at the forefront of technological innovation, are even more attractive.

On top of this, an increasing percentage of new graduates are highly aware of, and motivated by, the threat of climate change. As a result, working for a renewables company is likely to be seen as more socially and morally desirable.

2. Long-term career stability 

If the year 2020 highlighted anything, it’s the human desire for stability in an unstable world. Career stability has become a top priority to Energy workers amidst the global economic uncertainties brought by the pandemic. As they seek increased work security, they seek more permanent roles. 

Our 2021 Energy Outlook Report discovered that nearly two-thirds (63%) of workers laid off or made redundant in 2020 received no support or resources to help them find a new role. As a result, candidates are showing more interest in companies that offer longer-lasting, stable careers, instead of a series of short contracts. This lack of support will also impact the industry’s ability to rehire members of the workforce, further intensifying the skills shortage.

If you're looking for a stable role in the Energy industry, take a look at our international vacancies and create a job alert below to be notified when new, relevant positions become available. 

3. Training and career development

Going hand-in-hand with long-term job security, Energy candidates are seeking more training and career development to grow their skills and expertise (and to make them more valuable employees). Companies offering high-quality training, strong career development programmes, and dedicated benefits to help enhance careers will be among the most competitive in the market. 

More training benefits more than just the employee: with a growing skills gap in many Energy sectors, investments in training programs are more needed than ever. While conventional Energy companies will still have the edge when it comes to salaries and the number of open roles available, they may find it will take more to compete for highly-skilled people without more training and career development options available. 

Want to learn more about the trends transforming the Energy industry in 2021? Download the report below for free and learn key insights from over 22,000 Energy industry professionals. 

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